



そろそろ日本の大学も、研究をするための場として再定義するべき時期に来ている。専門教育は、 研究活動を通じて行われるべきである。講義科目は、不要ではないが、それは研究活動のためのサプリメントとして提供されるべきものだ。教員も学生も、全員何かの研究課題を抱えて過ごしている場所が大学だと思う。













「君のとなりにいるその人ってホントに君が 思うような人ですか?」に思う



「ジョハリの窓」で自身を眺めてみれば、未だに開いていない窓の存在に気づくことができる。スガシカオの歌詞に、「君のとなりにいるその人ってホントに君が 思うような人ですか?」というのがある。その問いかけを自身に当ててみれば、自身の内面世界につながる窓の取っ手に手が届くのかもしれない。


Typing text by hand writing

 Hi, Bloggers!

Now I a writing diary with Apple Pencil. I didn't know this function set in my iPad! It's a first experience for me to type texts by hand writing. Yes, the words written with apple pencil by my hand on display transformed into typed text simultaneously.  I felt its a fantastic experience and think of changing way of expression.

Compared with voice writing, this way is suitable to arrange sentence in crowded place and situation restricting making sound. It does not choose situation required taking care of others sharing TPOs.

A limit of its convenience is it depends of writing speed by hand. You can feel it is slower than key typing and voice writing. It may contribute you to think of something to write in slow pitch. 

Anyway, please try it once and feel brand-new experience of text writing.


Life-work is not a thing eye-catching daily

Hi, Bloggers!

I have finished my job load to today, then turned to do research and manuscript to expand my world view and self ability. Tackling job load is for rice work, and research is for life-work. Job load needs sudden dedication to be processed for someone who demand it, but life-work is demanded by myself. 

A point needed taking care of is how to take time. in one hand, life-work takes long time and flows slow, in other hand, rice-work takes short and flows fast. We tend to put priority on immediate things to do and disrespect the things not hurry. But, good life is consistent with the things flow slowly which is not eye-catching.

Before investing for the future of myself, I should know what I am and tend to do as a nature.








Standing desk improves my health in office work

Hi, Bloggers!

What do you always do just after waking up in the morning? I always tidy up my futon, do bed making to wake up my physical body at first. Moving muscle promotes blood flow, then wakes brain up to start thinking of something fun. If I turn down into couch after coming out of my futon, I will just drag on enjoy dimly hours.

To keep good blood flow in my body during my work hours, I set standing desk in my office. It supports me to concentrate on doing desk work by shaping body condition. And during keep standing, it is easy to do stretch exercise and working around office, when I feel getting tired and need some relaxation. 

I can do recommend arrange your office for working in standing posture for your health if you are able to.


Sexual selection may sometimes be applied between species

Hi, Bloggers!
I found four tiny eggs of Medaka, Oryzias in my small aquarium. Some of the, show small eye balls already, and looks hatching soon. I have heard that parent Medaka sometimes eat their kid unintentionally, so the eggs should be escaped from the aquarium. Medaka has habit to eat anything move in front, even if it is a family. No perception nor instinct to protect its descendant. Oh, how pity Medaka is! 

So, I should pick the eggs out of aquarium and move to another one to give them a safe condition. Life is matter, is spite if its physical size. Point is it produces sympathy in my mind or not. The decision happens probably based on habit of sexual selection that we species tend to take care of tiny or beautiful objects to secure. The habit may sometimes be applied between species. 


Every day is a special day

Hi, Bloggers!

I spent an ordinary Sunday with nothing special. Woke up late, and went for a walk to wild strawberry picking, then cook a ramen noodle for launch. After washing dished, I started green curry for a dinner, then taking a rest, practiced guitar for an old song. And drove my car to DIY shop and mall to buy daily necessities. Then, bring a net to cover tomato seedlings to prevent strong wind turning them down. After that, opened a beer and ate dinner, then taking bath. And finally I started writing this blog. 

Before beginning to write this article,  I thought it was an ordinary Sunday, but I now find it was a special day which I can spent  only one time. Any day never be taken back even if I was a superman. Now, I am reminded that "every day is a special day" for me, like Maria Takeuchi sings, so I should taking care of each of them.



Online learning and physicality

Hi, Bloggers!
Due to re-expansion of COVID-19 infection in the prefecture I live in, on-line course lecture re-starts at my university campus from May/17. Feeling very sorry to the students for inconvenience taking lessons online in two dimension, I am pleased to remain thinking of what the better lesson being set online. 

Physicality is the most important focus of mine to plan each lesson, that's why we human communicate to environment via amount of physical senses. We have several types of senses of sight, auditory, touch, smell and taste, in case the six sense depends on somebody. Through these senses, we learn from environment picking up informations to avoid danger and search resource to keep life oneself. 

Thinking of learning, lesson should be designed as a work something related with physical process. Even there is a limit of media to provide class material for on-line lesson, an effort to bring it close to something physical is required and appreciated by learners.





















Sound saves you from work of web trouble

Hi, Bloggers!

Telework season's come back to my local area since last September. For telework setting, I'm focus specially on the sound condition, more clear, less of break. According to the experiences of attending meeting, there is nothing irritating me more than bad sound condition, if there are clear vision of meeting materials. 

So, I set up better microphone with condenser by small investment. I feel it enriches my working condition base on web services. By keep improving it, I can focus on the things I should take into consideration. Why don't you make some of luxury investment, If you have irritated on your sound condition of work? 


Mother's Day

Hi, Bloggers!

I have no topic to write to about this time but I just started writing something about. I don't know, what is going to be built up after I finished writing like this. I have several experiences that I have found the topic I want to write about after I finish writing. Generally, we think of that we have something to write about before start writing. If you are the person who can do like above, you are the person celebrated, but I think I'm not the one like that. 

Yes, today, the second weekend day of the May is Mother's day. I called my mother to show thanks for she is always good to me, and  for saying she gave me a birth on May/8th 48 years ago. If she was not there, I am not here now. There is few occasions to show appreciation for my parents in everyday life,  so this commemoration day give me a chance to do so.

And I do wish to her enjoy long life from now on. Thanks!


Fascinated by Agatha Kristy's work these months

Hi, Bloggers!

I woke up earlier than usual to watch a movie "Poirot" from the middle of the story. Since started my life, I haven't taken care about any detective novels, but Agatha  Kristy have invited me to the abyss for these months. Her work always betrays my expectations in the story development. 

It should be experienced by amount of people in the world since her novel and the movie based on it presented. Not only "Poirot" but also "Prosecution Witness" and "Ordeal by Innocence" fascinated me in movie broadcasted in NHK BSP. Why don't you come to enjoy her works if you haven't touch with them?







Voice input will be improved by enrichment of voice dictionary

Hi, Bloggers!

For several months, I get used to write the sentences by voice input for PC and smartphone. Especially about the writing email or a short messages, I feel it is very comfortable and easy to write. Some of reports on the papers also written by that way. Before that, I was thinking of writing sentences should be done by key typing. 

But now, voice input becomes default way of arranging sentences, and has caught me never go away. This English sentence was also written by it, however there are many typographical error happens cause of my pronunciation. I hope it will be revised in several years supported by enrichment of voice dictionary used by AI. 

 Liberty Bell in Philadelphia


Habit ties up you sometimes

Hi, Bloggers!

Since last December, I continued to updated blog everyday to tell you something new. Doing something as a habit of everyday, some of missing happens in my mind when I delayed. I believe in doing something continuously products qualitative change at the time it has come over threshold. It may makes me feel blog update is a kind of training in my life. Or, my feeling as a collector may not allow the missing date of my blog. Aha! 

To start something new is a penance, but it goes easy when it became a habit. The habit ties up the person sometimes. It is one of the mystery of life. How do you think?

A flower of Confederate Rose


Something in, something out.

Hi, Bloggers!

Since several weeks, I've continued to write my blog in English as my secondary language. It is still just like a child writing, but it is a nice training for me.What is the point? I suppose this is the training to think of things in another language, not my mother tongue. Still I tend to think of contents of writing based on Japanese language, but partially some of parts become in English. 

Think of things in another language can bring me chance to change way of thinking. The change will expand my vision and enrich my thought. If those ways are crossed , something new can be happened. I mean the kind of language isn't matter, but some different language except mother tongue is. So, I will keep trying this blog to find something new in my mind.
Something in, something out.



When you feel some jealousy against someone, it is...

Hi, Bloggers!

Have you ever feel dislike or jealousy against someone? That emotion tend do happens to the person who has similar aspect with you. And it reveals when the person is just a little bit conspicuous more than you. Because, when there are resemble character there, those of them become competitive against each other, and the competition will continues until either side get down from it. 

I think it is curious that our state of mind make us feel conflict changed into jealousy. Those mental is defined as different feelings, but can be connected in somewhere in mind. If you find someone makes you feel envy in mind, the person can be similar with you. 


Shooting star goes

Hi, Bloggers!

Our life is short in the time of universe. However, time of shooting star goes is shorter than it. I saw shooting star in west sky around 8pm on May/3, 2021. A green fire ball happened suddenly and drew a line, then disappeared once. I have never seen such a clear one in my life, and got excited for a while. I could not take any video nor snap because it was too immediate and without any forecast. Next time, I will wish upon a shooting star to make me able to wish up on it to dream comes true.


There were no weeds without name

 Hi  Bloggers!

“There is no weeds without name” is a word of emperor Hirohito, Japan. When I wasn’t interested in name and existence of wild weeds, every weeds was just only a green around me. 

However, since I started to learn and remember the name of them, the world around me has been changed as every weed has its characteristics and identity. Now I think of identifying name is important to focus on and interested in each precious existences.

Azami flower in Japan


Why do night life make us feel enjoyable?

Hi, Bloggers!

How much hours do you sleep everyday, ordinary? According to several researh, eight hours sleep is recommended for keeping health and efficiency of work, but I can not apply the standard to myself. correctly I don't like to do so. 

Honestly I prefer to stay up late and enjoy many thing to do in night time. I remember one of my old friend said he felt being able to do anything in mid night. I can not fully agree with him, but I can understand what he meant at that moment about thirty years ago. 

Our body include brain must got tired after work through a day tend to loose control itself in night time. In that condition, it misunderstand or make an error of judge on effectiveness of activity in the term. For instance, when you start watching movie by Amazon Prime, even if you decide that you will stop watching it at twelve o'clock, mostly you will keep watching it to the end. 

We should think of ourselves tend do make mistakes in night time. But who are able to make me know it?

Night view somewhere I visited